Friday, November 9, 2007

Working Animals of Paris: Youki

One of the particularities of Paris and France in general is that you tend to find animals in the most unexpected places - canaries in a café, Yorkshire terriers in a hair salon, cats in a bistro. I've decided to start documenting these "working" animals of Paris, starting with my personal favorite, Youki, whom I have known since her kittenhood when she first came to work at our university center.

Name: Youki ("snow" in Japanese; also one part of the infamous love triangle of Desnos-Foujita- Youki during Les Années Folles de Montparnasse)

Age: 3 (in December 2007)

Job: Catching mice, entertaining students, cuddling with evening receptionist on cold winter nights).

Favorite Pastime: napping, hiding in vacant classrooms, stealing baby birds from their nests, leaving disembodied bird parts in the halls.

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