Saturday, November 15, 2008

Here we go again...

Ok. I admit it. I am the laziest blogger alive.

I had such dreams of sharing my Paris with friends and family (and, if I'm being honest, the world - hah! quel reve!) when I uploaded my first post. But, as always, even my best intentions fizzled and died as my inescapable and all-encompassing paresse, lassitude, whatever you want to call, reared its ugly head, like Vladimir Putin in aquiet Georgian town (to borrow imagery from Sarah Palin).

Well, no more I tell you! Today is a new day and I shall post again!

Of course, I cannot guarantee that what I have to say will be any more interesting that the merde I posted last year, but that's fine too. You're not obliged to read it.

And so, on recommence...

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