Friday, September 14, 2007

A letter from my cat

My cat is phenomenally talented. She wrote me this the day after I left. Apparently she's been practicing typing in the close while I was away at work:

Where are you? Chin and I finally realized at some point yesterday that you were not coming home that day. Monday, we didn't realize it, so we weren't> that upset. But, Tuesday, we knew .... You had been gone a whole day and we were left alone. We were upset and we showed it last night.. I would not sleep with that woman and he bugged her all night long - begging for food, ice, panting, ranking toys> out and moping. He wouldn't relax and any noise he heard, he barked. He's such a fool. He still thinks you're coming back today. I know better. You did this before. Anyhow, we all miss you very much. We'll call you tomorrow. Love, Tasha, and Chin (and Mom!)

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